Amidst controversy, Azkals coach Thomas Dooley finally came out to explain his side over the resignation of Stephan Schrock and Dennis Cagara from the Philippine National Football Team.
Dooley considered the move of Schrock and Cagara “unacceptable, unprofessional, and selfish” becaue they used the social media to announce their resignation.
Dooley’s words over the Filipino-German Schrock were harder to take when he said,
“He is going all over the world and then hammering us over here on what kind of a chicken farm we are and he is not playing for me anymore because I don’t like foreigners, that I don’t want those players playing for the team,”
The Philippine National Football Team coach even called Schrock a liar.
Dooley reiterated that if his players were not satisfied with the lineup, they should have talked to him instead of turning to social media.